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Ground-force Day

Aren't the school grounds looking lovely?

A massive thankyou to all parents who gave up hours of their Saturday to take part in 'Groundforce Day'. It was a lovely day full of community spirit and banter and we felt so supported as a small school team to see everyone arriving with tools and wheelbarrows and cakes, jetwashers, chainsaws and ladders!

With so much help, we were able to weed all flowerbeds, plant pots and the front bank, build and place planters down the side of the school hall, tidy and organise the school science garden, sweep and clear paths, take rubbish to the skip, put together new EYFS play equipment, trim some over-hanging branches, jet-wash the mobile fire-escape and the glass roof of the EYFS outside area as well as some general painting and tidying.

It made a massive difference and it felt like good fun too!