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Illustrating our point!

Our 7 school values on show!

A massive thankyou to Mrs Tyrwhitt for drawing the most wonderful illustrations to represent each of our 7 school values; we couldn't have hoped for a better set of images to sum up what we are about.

Please do pop into the hall and have a closer look.  You can also see the illustrations in more detail on the values page of our website.

ERA are aiming high and trying to become one of the first group of schools in the country to achieve the 'School of Character' kite mark.  This project is led by Mrs McKay and has started with the formulation of our school values alongside a rigorous process of behind-the-scenes work on making sure that the education and opportunities we offer our children on a rolling programme enable them to develop the values and characteristics that will help them to become well-rounded, interesting and aspirational young adults.

There will be more to come on this project but, in the meantime, please read about our values on our school website and pop in and see our new illustrated values wall in our school hall. We feel very lucky!