Fantastic Fundraising!
Today was the culmination of the ERA 20K sponsored challenge and we are so proud of everyone's determination. Over the month of May, children have been travelling 20K on foot, on bikes, on scooters and even swimming; they have been tracking every kilometre.
We walked the final 6K this morning as a whole community and we were greeted at our destination by FERS, who had prepared a wonderful table of delicious cakes and drinks.
After a whole-school play on the park, we returned to school for a medal ceremony and a BBQ.
At the BBQ, we were surprised by a dance flash mob from our new ERA dance crew! What a spectacular way to end term 5!
We are fundraising for a new wellbeing space in school and also a refurbishment of our school library space to match our high-quality library stock.
A massive thanks to FERS for creating this wonderful challenge and making it such a fun and memorable experience on the day; you make our community so special at every opportunity and we love you.