Our Vision
Everyone in our school community is a learner; teachers, children, parents, TAs, MDSAs, our governors and our principal. We aim for excellence by aspiring to be the best that we can and adventure by seeking out new challenges and inspirational experiences that take us from our comfort zones into the exciting and unknown. See below for more detail about our vision for Easton Royal Academy.
- We are aspirational; we expect the best from ourselves and from each other. We have children's needs and development at the heart of our school and our decisions.
- We know about the learning process; we can talk and think about learning as a subject in its own right. Our staff are interested in education research and we use this to inform and guide our practice.
- We seek out the very best opportunities for our children so that they have excellent experiences to guide and broaden their learning.
- We love challenge and we know that the best learners are "stuck" for a while. We know 'excellence' is about aspiration, perseverance & progress - not perfection.
- Each learner in our school has the opportunities and the support they need to overcome their own challenges and be excellent.
- We are fantastic at evaluating where we are now and where we want to be next. We know how to get there.
- We are brilliant at noticing when someone has overcome a challenge; together we celebrate each step.
- We are exceptional communicators; with each other and with the local, national and global community.
- We celebrate difference; excellent learning comes from as many viewpoints as possible.
- We have an active, open, honest and robust approach to behaviour and safety (including bullying and online-safety); we learn best when we are safe and secure.
- We provide daily novel and inspirational experiences that take us from our comfort zones into the exciting and unknown.
- We turn lessons on their heads!
- We promote enquiry, autonomy and independence; the best adventurers have opportunities to ask questions and make decisions.
- We celebrate each step of the journey; we specialise in noticing.
- We are open to mistakes; we look for better paths and opportunities to learn from better people.
- We are open to new experiences; we take considered risks and try new things, even if they are out of our comfort zones.
- The best adventures develop the whole person; we recognise there are a multitude of different ways to learn and to evidence learning.
- We risk-assess and think ahead in order to stay safe and secure.
- We write home to keep everyone informed about our journey; we know that the best adventures need a support team!
- We bring back treasures that we have worked hard for and feel proud of.