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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

The ethos of Easton Royal Academy is one which values the individuality of each child.

We seek out and celebrate diversity in all its forms. We believe in celebrating strength and removing barriers.

The staff and Governors are committed to a policy which seeks to meet the needs of each child, particularly by developing and reinforcing self-esteem and by encouraging a positive attitude to learning and life. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are given the opportunity to benefit from a challenging education in a positive and inclusive environment.  

Mr Rob Hicks is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo).  We also have a number of local links in the Pewsey and Marlborough areas to agencies that support children and families. 

The current SEND Code of Practice came into effect in September 2014 (see below). In line with the practice outlines in this code, the following information is available below: our SEND policy and our SEND Information Report (answering lots of FAQ). These outline the policies, procedures and practices. For your further information, we have also updated the DFE's guide to SEN reforms. Our site is largely accessible to people in wheelchairs.

Wiltshire Council has also produced information to support parents. This is a statutory requirement as part of the new Code of Practice. It is called the Local Offer and it is available by accessing the following website page

If you want to find out more, please speak to Mr Hicks (SENDCo), Beck Stubbs (Principal) or your child's class teacher.

Complaints or Concerns about SEND Practice

The majority of concerns can be dealt with without resorting to formal procedure because it is important to us that we are doing well for all children and families and will want to take swift action to help.

Where you have a concern about any aspect of SEND practice within the school, please contact Mr Hicks (SENDCo) in the first instance via the phone or in person. He will be able to address your concerns on the spot, or can arrange a meeting with you to discuss the issue.

If Mr Hicks is unable to resolve your concern, he (or you) can contact Beck Stubbs (Principal), who will be happy to help.

All concerns will be dealt with confidentiality, although the staff member may need to take notes if they feel that the matter may need to be taken further or may arise again in the future. Any such notes will be kept in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998. However, such notes would be able to be used as evidence if further investigation was required, or if the concern became a formal complaint.

SEND Policy and Admissions

We value and celebrate diversity and welcome every child to our school in line with normal admissions arrangements (see admission section above).

You can read our SEND policy by clicking on the following link:

The objectives of our SEND policy are:

  • To identify and monitor children's individual needs at the earliest possible stage so that appropriate provision can be put in place and progress is made in line with their peers.
  • To plan an effective curriculum to meet the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities and ensure that the teaching and learning strategies used match identified needs.
  • To involve children and parents in the identification and review of the teaching and learning strategies.
  • To work in close partnership with and involved parents/carers of children who have special educational needs and disabilities
  • To raise the self-esteem of children who have special educational needs and disabilities by acknowledging the progress they have made
  • To ensure that all who are involved with children are aware of the procedures for identifying their needs, and how best to support and teach them
  • To work in close partnership, where appropriate, with outside agencies to support the needs and provision for children who have special educational needs and disabilities