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Safeguarding is a priority for every adult in our school community.

In our recent Ofsted inspection, inspectors wrote:

"There is a strong safeguarding culture. Leaders are persistent and proactive.

Staff know the children and their families well, and there is a rigorous approach to sharing information to identify concerns.

Record-keeping is thorough and detailed and shows that any concerns are carefully followed up.

Leaders have a clear focus on keeping pupils safe, and they work well with other agencies to get pupils the support they need. Pupils are taught about how to stay safe, including online safety".

Safeguarding children is a core part of our provision. All staff and volunteers are trained in safeguarding and safety procedures.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Beck Stubbs (principal) 

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Julie McKay.

We expect all staff, volunteers, parents, carers and the wider school community to share our commitment to keeping our children safe. All visitors to our school are reminded of their safeguarding responsibility and any who do not have recognised, currently valid Enhanced DBS clearance will be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.

Filtering & Monitoring

We use two systems across the school. Our broadband is filtered by Netsweeper. In addition to this, Senso is a cloud-based system that monitors the usage of devices. Within our existing policies e.g. Child Protection and Safeguarding policy, we have detailed the roles and responsibilities of staff when managing our filtering and monitoring systems. This is in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education and includes the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Trustees.

Staff have had training when looking for the signs and symptoms of online abuse and log concerns swiftly to the DSL. The safeguarding needs of all pupils remains of the upmost importance.

Our systems block harmful and inappropriate content without unreasonably impacting on teaching and learning. We also acknowledge that no system is 100% accurate. If content does get through the system, then staff act swiftly, log the concern and changes are made. Our provision is monitored at least annually and reported to our governors and trustees. Our wider IT team supports the principal to meet all DfE digital and technology standards. 


If you have a concern about any pupil at our school, you can report it by emailing or calling the school office (FAO: DSL, Beck Stubbs) and 01672810477

If your concerns are about immediate risk of serious harm to any child, please call the police on 999.

If you need to report a concern to our DSL during the school holiday, you can email our dedicated inbox: and our DSL will call you back.

For information on how to stay safe online please visit our ‘Online Safety‘ page. Our safeguarding and child protection policy can be found below.

Related policies can be found on the ‘Policies‘ section of the website under ‘About Us’