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Wrap-around care

Our Wrap-around Care is provided on our site each day from 7.40am - 5.15pm

The club is supervised by Miss Sambrook in the mornings and Mrs Adams in the afternoons.  Both adults know the children very well and design activities and routines around their interests and needs.  

The club is activity/play-based and we have created a relaxed and nurturing environment where children can be social and have plenty of opportunity to select their own things to do and further their own interests.  We are able to offer a mixture of outside and inside fun, depending on who the children are and what they feel like doing on the day.


Breakfast Club
7.40 - 8.40am £5
After-School Club
3.15 - 4.15pm  £5
3.15 - 5.15pm £10
4.15 - 5.15pm £5


You can book a place at Squirrels on MCAS, under the clubs tab